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Writer's pictureDavid Platte

Why you are not losing weight

So many people want to lose weight. But are failing. Why is that? Well maybe the people giving you advice have no education or qualifications in the BASICS of energetics or human biology. People are trying to look for a secret or a trick. I have bad news. Unless you take steroids or another drug which change the game or you get surgery, there is no trick or secret.

Here is what to do.

- Stop listening to peoples "opinions" my dog has an opinion do you want to take advice from my dog? - An opinion is not superior to clinical science. I am sorry but you are not smarter than theoretical physicists or mathematicians and that's the philosophy of it.

- Stop drinking lemon water with ginger thinking it will make you slim. If it made you slim then the 2nd leading cause of death in humans would NOT EXIST.

- If people give advice. Ask them for science. Not their opinion because 99% of the time the people advising have no clue what they are talking about. And not just an article, look for the science. Anyone can write something on the internet but what matters is where they get their information.

- Correlation does NOT always equate causation. See this article for an example of McDonalds being "proven" to lose weight

- Stop pretending to know everything, this is ignorant of you and egotistical of you to think you know something you have no education in. Let me ask you do you try to also educate physicists on The Large Hadron Collider? No? Well what makes you an expert in nutrition and the fundamental laws of physics. And yes humans are nothing but biological organisms made up of numbers and letters like anything else. Chemistry creates biology " Quote: theoretical physicist and cosmologist Lawrence Krauss". If education was not needed then why did you go to school? what makes you think you know what you are talking about with no education in an area?

- Regarding honey and lemon juice. Ask yourself how drinking sugar makes you lose fat seeing as it causes insulin secretion which STOPS your body from burning fat.

- Products like "Herbalife" and "Isagenix" are pyramid schemes which are actually illegal and are NOT FDA approved for humans . Some people have been put in hospital with these products and the people trying to sell this stuff to you have NO QUALIFICATIONS or education in nutrition. They just want your money. If people lose weight on it and some people actually gain, if they do it is because of a caloric deficit. No trick and very expensive.

If you are not losing weight the answer is simple. You are eating more energy in a day than your body burns which stops you from burning your fat as fuel. This is the fundamentals for every human being who is alive and I refer to the universal law of thermodynamics. I am sorry but if you are a human this applies to you. Stop looking for shortcuts. If it was that easy we would all look awesome after drinking some lemon water.

If you want to purchase a nutrition plan and exercise program for gym or home. Click the link below.

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