So I am in a number of groups that talk about sugar making you fat. Then they tell people to drink honey and lemon juice with water which contains sugar to lose fat. Now does that sound right? No.
When you consume sugar your blood sugar levels rise which causes insulin secretion which stops your body from metabolising fat. So if anything this will do the opposite for weight loss right? no.
What matters for weight loss is a caloric deficit. Even if you spike insulin levels in every mean 6 meals a day, as long as you are in a caloric deficit you will lose weight just like you would over 2 meals. Protein also spikes insulin. So if sugar makes us fat protein would as well which is explained in the next two links as the insulin hypothesis was wrong. support!Is-the-Insulin-Theory-of-Obesity-Over/cmbz/5726e6810cf26b6d6848a8f8
So does sugar make us fat? Sugar rarely converts to fat through a process called de novo lipogenesis explained in the links below.
In order for sugar to make us fat we need to consume more than our Total Daily Energy expenditure from pure sugar along. For an average make that is like 600g of pure table sugar over a few days before it starts to get stored as fat. So does this mean we can stuff ourselves with sugar? No. In our diet it consists of protein, fats, and carbs which are macronutrients. Sugar is a carb FYI. Protein and carbs provide 4 calories per gram when fat provided 9 calories per gram. If you ate 600g of pure sugar it would not be stores as fat as your body will burn that about to stay alive. You will get fat from all the calories you ate from fat MOSTLY as your body breaks that down next. Even some of the protein will be broken down into glucose and the excess glucose from this protein may be stored as fat.
So take home message? All sugar is natural. It comes from fruits and plants. The exact same sugar in soft drink is in fruits and vegetables. If wanting to lose weight then reduce your carb intake as there is no biological reason for humans to consume carbs due to a process called gluconeogenesis which means making glucose from protein and fatty acids. Don't be scared of some sugar it can lead to developing eating disorders. Reduce the amount you eat and be in a caloric deficit and you WILL LOSE WEIGHT.
