Fat Loss Let's look at this realistically. Of course no drugs. Quick and simple.
There is a reason why fast fat loss diets are not advocated for hormone, physiological and metabolic reasons. But that is not what this post is about.
How much fat can you lose? Formula is 290+/- 25 KJ/kg/d
So. "290" give or take divided by 25kj's per kilogram per day based off Fat mass = 69.31 calories per kg per day. This is just ~7g of fat per kg of fat mass. So if you have 10kg of fat. That is 70g of fat oxidized a day.
31 kcal per lb of fat per day. Or ~3.6g of fat mass per lbs of fat mass. So if you have 20lbs of fat. That is ~72g of fat which will be oxidized per day.
Anymore will most likely just be water weight or muscle. If you do a rapid fat loss diet for more then I suggest you buy Lyle McDonalds Rapid fat loss book or Extreme Rapid Fat Loss Book to make sure you do it correctly
Reference: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15615615