I will keep this short and explain it as simple as I can. The science is all at the bottom.
So first. What is weight being fat and muscle. It is energy. Secondly I refer to the 1st law of thermodynamics which was discovered around 1850 by Rudolf Clausius who was a German physicist and mathematician and William Thomson, who was a mathematical physicist and engineer. Energy cannot be created from nothing and It cannot be destroyed. This applies to humans meaning we can't gain energy from thin air and we can't burn it doing nothing. There is no secret that is how it works unless you want to get surgery which just removes it to another location.
So from here? What you need to do is eat in a caloric deficit "basically". A calorie is a unit of measurement for macro's being fat, carbs and protein. However not all calories are created equal just like a cup of cold water and a cup of hot water are still one cup but are not equal. 9 calories is the same as 9 calories but depending of we get them from fat or protein one has a different thermogenic effect being protein higher. Which is why high protein diets are often better for weight loss because your body burns most of the energy through digestion. But this is diving into another area for another time.
So once you find your caloric needs for your goal being weight loss or gain, you then set your macros for your goal. Depending on your goal these numbers change. If you are in a caloric deficit you are losing weight. If you are not losing weight then you are not in a caloric deficit. Same if trying to gain weight you need a surplus, if you are not gaining weight you are not eating enough.
Weight loss and gain all depends on energy balance.
http://www.seriecientifica.org/sites/default/files/hilljames_-_understanding_and_addressing_the_epidemic_of_obesity_0.pdf http://evidencemag.com/why-calories-count/ http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/79/5/899S.long